
Offering 3K Half and Full Day — 4K Full Day

Trinity Lutheran’s Pre-Kindergarten program exists to provide an early learning experience to young children between the ages of 3-5 years of age. We are here to assist parents in the Christian training of the little ones God has blessed them with. We offer both full day options for 3K and 4K. Take advantage of our full-day option, which allows our teachers to provide even more age-appropriate enrichment activities and more individual attention to your children. Our programming is based on the National Association for the Education of Young Children as well as the Wisconsin Early Childhood Standards.  

Trinity provides a warm, caring, consistent Christian environment. Children have the daily joy of hearing and learning about their Savior, Jesus. Songs and stories from God’s Word are shared. Prayer and Christian character are practiced.  

Children are encouraged to learn, explore, and play through interactive experiences.  The teacher is the facilitator in guiding the child’s development through child-initiated activities based on the children’s interests and teacher-planned instruction. Group activities and individualized instruction using best practice are important components.  Assessments are ongoing  and authentic. The goal is to train the whole child: spiritually, emotionally, cognitively, physically and socially.

Class Options

3K Options
5 Full Days a week (8:25 - 3:30)
5 Half Days a week (8:25 - 11:30)

4K Options
5 Days a week full day (8:25 - 3:30)

Tuition 2024 - 2025

4K Tuition (Full Days Only)
$3,600 for Trinity Lutheran Church members
$8,400 for Other WELS
$5,000 for Non-Members

3K Tuition Five Days (Full or Half Days)

Full Days
$3,600 for Trinity Lutheran Church members
$8,400 for Other WELS
$5,000 for Non-Members

Half Days
$1,800 for Trinity Lutheran Church members
$4,200 for Other WELS
$2,500 for Non-Members

Meet The Teachers - 3K - 5K