Our sports program develops and maintains suitable levels of physical fitness, competency in useful physical skills, and management of the body. The program provides:
A Christian atmosphere in which the child may compete.
Aid in developing an attitude of good sportsmanship and interaction with students from other Lutheran Grade Schools.
Provides an opportunity for the interested child to improve and exercise his/her athletic abilities over and above that provided in the physical education classes.
Our school emphasizes the spiritual and academic areas of education rather than interscholastic sports. Athletic programs should enhance and in no way detract from the academic and religious norms of the school.
At Trinity, we seek to develop children’s God-given musical talents and impart an appreciation of God’s gift of music. Our music curriculum engages students in singing, playing instruments, performing, and creating music. Students are exposed to diverse music, including folksongs from around the world, classical music, and Lutheran hymnody. Our motivation for teaching children music echoes that of Martin Luther, “I truly desire that all Christians would love and regard as worthy the lovely gift of music, which is a precious, worthy, and costly treasure given to mankind by God.”
In addition to teaching appreciation, we offer a robust program of opportunities for students to learn different instruments.
At Trinity, we believe in offering a variety of activities for students to help them develop interests outside of the classroom. These clubs meet after school and offer students a chance to explore concepts that interest them and help to make them more well rounded Christians. If you have questions about the different clubs, please contact the School Office for more information.