Trinity Lutheran School is committed to providing a quality, caring Christian education that meets your child's intellectual, physical and spiritual needs.
Our experienced and loving staff incorporates God's Word into all subject areas, creating the basis for exceptional learning. All subjects meet or surpass State of Wisconsin criteria for each grade level. In addition, our students have consistently recorded above-average scores on standardization tests.
As a student of Trinity, your child will enjoy and benefit from:
Low pupil-to-teacher ratio for interactive learning.
Phonics-based reading curriculum.
Mobile Chromebook and iPad carts.
1 to 1 Chromebooks in 5th-8th Grades.
Academic Competitions include - math, forensics and spelling.
Art, science, and social studies fairs.
A music program that includes choir, band, and more.
A Bible-based education grounded in solid educational practice.
Most importantly, an education at Trinity Lutheran School will teach your child the precious promise of everlasting life through faith in Jesus Christ.
As parents, God has given each of us a command to teach our children of the Savior. Trinity assists you in fulfilling this command with:
Daily religious instruction and Bible study.
Interaction with fellow Christian friends and teachers.
Emphasis on Christian values.
Why should you consider a Christian education for your child?
The answer is simple. From 3-year-old pre-school through 8th grade, Trinity Lutheran School builds on the most important foundation there is—our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This foundation, based on the everlasting love of God for his children, enables our students to grow up with a healthy self-worth and respect for themselves and others around them.
This foundation encourages every child to build for the future with his or her God-given talents, keeping in mind that, whatever we do in life, we do it to the glory of our Creator and Savior. Most importantly, this foundation is not just for this life—it's for eternity.
Our desire is to give the children entrusted to us the best education. When children show exceptional aptitude we work to challenge them, and when children find themselves struggling we work to give them the special attention needed to help them succeed in the school environment.
General Curriculum
God's Word (Bible History and Doctrine)
Language Arts (English, Reading/Literature, Spelling, Vocabulary)
Social Studies
Physical Education
Current Events
Extracurricular Activities
Instrument Lessons and Band Program
Piano Lessons
School Plays
Fine Arts Fair and Participation in Worship
Trinity Lutheran School is proud to be accredited by three national accreditation programs. These accreditations attest to the dedication the entire staff at Trinity has for Christian education. This commitment to excellence in education provides an excellent opportunity for the entire Waukesha County community.
In fact, during the most recent accreditation process completed in 2022, Trinity Lutheran School was awarded the “exemplary” accreditation. This outstanding accreditation recognizes Trinity as one of best—only the top 4% of schools achieve this level of accreditation.
For more information on the accreditation programs, please visit the sites below or contact the principal.
National Council for Private School Accreditation
Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation
WELS School Accreditation
Non-Discriminatory Policy
Trinity Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, nationality, and the ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Trinity Lutheran School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national/ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, scholarships or loan program, or athletic or other school administered programs.